Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of roof is best for rainwater harvesting?

Metal roofs are the preferred roof material. However, water can be collected off many different roof types by using filters or first-flush diversion depending on the roof material.

How much water can I collect off my roof?

Per every 1,000 square feet of roof space, nearly 600 gallons of water can be collected from one inch of rainfall. For example, if you have a 4,000 square foot roof, you can expect to collect up to 2,400 gallons from one inch of rainfall.

Do I need gutters?

Yes, gutters gather the rainwater from the edge of your roof into the collection piping. Six-inch “K”/ogee or 6-inch box gutters with screens are the best option for rainwater harvesting. The screens keep debris out and the gutter size ensures that as much water as possible is captured and routed into the rainwater system.

How much water do I need to store?

The answer depends on usage for the water. On average, a two-person household, not including water for landscaping, generally uses around 2,000 to 3,000 gallons of water a month, or 24,000 to 36,000 gallons of water a year. This household would need a tank that holds a 10-month supply of water. If rainwater is the sole water supply for this household and rainfall occurs periodically throughout the year, a 20,000 to 30,000 gallon tank would be the recommended size of your storage tank.

How big are the tanks?

Tank sizes vary in capacity from 5,000 to 65,000 gallons. All residential Pioneer Water Tanks are 7 feet, 2 inches tall. Silo tanks are typically 7 feet, 6 inches at the walls. The total height including the roof depends upon the roof style selected. The diameter of any tank ranges from 11 feet for a 5,000 gallon tank to 39 feet, 6 inches for a 65,000 gallon tank. On occasion, we also install systems that are 100,000 gallons or more.

Do I need a pump house or a well house for the rainwater equipment?

No. For most installations, we install submersible pumps that are in the water tank. We install external pumps when the infrastructure already exists for the pump to be adequately housed, or when it makes the most sense to install an external pump in an area such as a barn or garage.  The filters and UV treatment unit are typically installed in a protected area like a barn, workshop or garage.

Are submersible pumps difficult to maintain?

No. Each submersible pump that Cqure Water installs includes a riser pipe that carries water from the pump to an area under the roof of the tank at the access hatch. A quick-connect fitting allows easy removal for the pump through the hatch. Since there is only one connection to the pump and it’s inside the water, there is little risk of a pump leak that could cause loss of stored water. The pump is also protected from freezing, overheating, vandalism, animals, insects and UV damage from sunlight.

What kind of maintenance requirements are there for a rainwater harvesting system?

Rainwater harvesting requires little maintenance by the homeowner. The majority of the maintenance tasks are needed annually and can be performed by Cqure Water as part of an annual service agreement. Tasks that a homeowner might do include sediment and carbon filters to be changed every six months. Also, an inlet basket assembly on the rainwater harvesting tank should be cleaned a few times a year. The low-point on all “wet” systems to should be drained occasionally when it hasn’t rained in a long time, or if there’s freezing weather in the forecast. The rest of the maintenance is just observation: checking the condition of the gutters, screens, and downspouts; watching for unusual overflows during rain events; and keeping an eye on the water level.

Can I replace or supplement my well water or public utility water with rainwater?

Yes, you can. We often work with clients who want to supplement their well water storage. See our well water surface storage page for more information. While it is possible to connect city water, this is not a service that Cqure Water provides at this time. The process is complicated and requires an RPZ backflow device to be installed by a licensed master plumber.

Can you install a rainwater harvesting system on an existing residence?

Yes, and this type of installation is something we often do. We will conduct a site visit with the owner/residents of the property to gather all the necessary information to design and quote a turnkey rainwater harvesting system. We take special care to work around existing utilities, and preserve hardscape and landscape features.

How long does it take to install a rainwater harvesting system?

Installation time depends on the type of project and the scope of work. Installing at an existing residence takes more time than a new construction. Some projects can be completed within a few weeks, while others can take three to six months depending on new construction timeline and scheduled trades.

Do you offer financing?

We intend to offer financing and will share more information about this publicly soon.